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You’ll find savings with The Zones of Regulation product bundles that will help you guide the implementation of the framework and curriculum across developmental ages. Whether you’re new to The Zones of Regulation or a seasoned practitioner, you’ll find flexible strategies for teaching and learning about The Zones of Regulation for a range of ages and learning modes.

The Zones of Regulation Bundles

Explore Award-Winning Product & Game Bundles

The Zones of Regulation Posters Sold Separately

For use in your classroom, clinic, or home

Use these colorful visual supports for in-the-moment social learning and review of specific aspects taught within The Zones of Regulation curriculum lessons at home, school, and in therapeutic settings.

A Popular Social Emotional Curriculum to Foster Regulation Across Ages 4-18+


The Zones of Regulation

The Zones of Regulation is a framework and easy-to-use curriculum for teaching regulation strategies for managing feelings and sensory needs to children, students, and clients ages 4+. Rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy, the framework uses four colors to help individuals identify how they are feeling in the moment given their energy, feelings, and level of alertness. By understanding how to read their bodies, detect triggers, think about the social context, and consider their reactions, individuals learn a system for how to increase their ability to regulate their feelings, manage their sensory needs, and become more self-aware and skillful problem solvers.
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